Here are our recently presented work at the European Society of Veterinary Pathology (ESVP) congress.

Prize winning poster by Dr. Olivia Richard

Previous presentations
These presentations are compiled on up to 100 slides and many images. Please bear with us if loading is slow, or try to re-load the page. We did not want to reduce further the file size of the images as we do not want to compromise on quality. Never!
Intravenous Iron Carbohydrate Nanomedicines
Ecotoxicology (Endocrine Disruptors)
Pathological indicators for reflux related changes in oral gavage studies
Synthetic Amorphous Silica – No Adverse Effects in Lung Liver and Intestine
Induced Lesions in the Female Reproductive System of Rodents
Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors
Reproductive Organs Basics– Differences between Species
Overview of Animal Tumors with Questionable Relevance to Human Risk Assessment
Immune System of Laboratory Animals
Different and Unusual Technologies in Pathology Evaluation
Methyl Methanesulfonate Induced Sperm Lesions
Neoplasms of the Rodents Female Reproductive System
Spontaneous and Induced Lesions in the Male Reproductivte System of Laboratory Animals