Laser Capture Microdissection
Laser Capture Microdissection (LCM) is an automated sample preparation technique that enables isolation of tissue regions or specific cells from a mixed population under microscopic visualization.
AnaPath is using the Applied Biosystems® ArcturusXT™ LCM System, which is a unique microdissection instrument that offers the power of two lasers—combining the best of two worlds.
The pathologists at AnaPath apply the gentle solid-state IR laser for dissection and capturing cells.
This technique was designed for optimal biomolecule recovery from an individual target cell or areas smaller than 30 µm in diameter. Using a very low power IR laser to activate a thermoplastic film, causing the film to become sticky and adhere to the cells of interest. When the film is lifted away from the sample preparation, the desired cells are fused to the membrane and remain intact for the recovery of nucleic acids or proteins.
For other applications like the isolation of larger structures or whole tumours the powerful UV laser is the better tool. The UV laser burns efficiently through tissue sections of increased thickness and resilient nature like connective tissue. This approach provides you with a decent amount of tissue for sometimes material consuming downstream processing of nucleic acids or proteins.
At AnaPath we use tissue samples as frozen or FFPE samples for microdissection and can conduct LCM under GLP.
The applications for LCM are as numerous as are the detailed requirements of our clients, hence each service project is bespoken.