Dr. Klaus Weber
Reproduction toxicity study with the synthetic amorphous silica SYLOID® AL-1 FP, HDK® N20, LUDOX® P T-40 F and SYLOID® MX 107 in the earthworm species Eisenia fetida. Authors: Nils Warfving, Anna-Luisa Weber, Jürgen Nolde, Klaus Weber
Eosinophilic globules (syn. hyaline inclusions) and protein crystalloids in the nasal mucosa of rats treated with synthetic amorphous silica, an unspecific chitinase-like-protein-positive background lesion. Authors: Klaus Weber, Nils Warfving, Gustav Gerd Bruer, Nils Krueger, Yoshimasa Okazaki, Roman Schoenauer, Dirk Schaudien
Enhanced study design for acute inhalation studies with hydrophobic surface-treated particles to determine toxicological effects including suffocation. Authors: Gustav Gerd Bruer, Otto Creutzenberg, Paula Janssen, Nils Krueger, Jürgen Nolde, Mehmet Ramazanoglu, Dirk Schaudien, Tobias B. Schuster, Michael Stintz, Nils Warfving, Benno Wessely, Klaus Weber
Comment on Balwierz et al. Potential Carcinogens in Makeup Cosmetics. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2023, 20, 4780. Authors:Jacques-Aurélien Sergent, Juergen Nolde, Klaus Weber, Tobias B. Schuster, Valerie Moise, Wolfgang Keller, Jenny Franklin
Is pulmonary inflammation a valid predictor of particle induced lung pathology? The case of amorphous and crystalline silicas. Authors: Craig A. Poland, Rodger Duffin, Klaus Weber, Wolfgang Dekant, Paul J.A. Borm. July 2023
A review of horses sent to slaughter for human consumption: impact of horsemeat consumption, residual banned drugs, and public health risks. Authors: Klaus Weber, DVM; Michael E. Kearley, DVM; Ann M. Marini, PhD, MD; Peter Pressman, MD; A. Wallace Hayes, PhD, DABT, ERT. January 2023
Letter to the Editors regarding “10% body weight (gain) change as criterion for the maximum tolerated dose: A critical analysis” Authors: Sir Colin L. Berry, Samuel M. Cohen, J. Christopher Corton, Joao Lauro Viana de Camargo, Gerhard Eisenbrand 1, Shoji Fukushima, Helmut Greim, Klaus Weber, Ivonne M.C.M. Rietjens, Christian Strupp. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology, Volume 139, 2023, 105362
Issues in the inhalation toxicity testing and hazard assessment for low density particulate materials such as synthetic amorphous silica (SAS) Authors: Wolfgang Dekant, Evangelia E. Antoniou, Axel Bosch, Gustav Gerd Bruer, Thomas Colnot, Otto Creutzenberg, Claus-Peter Drexel, Rodger Duffin, Nils Krueger, Jürgen Nolde, Craig Poland, Dirk Schaudien, Tobias B. Schuster, Michael Stintz, Klaus Weber, Benno Wessely, Maurice P. Zeegers. Toxicology Letters, February 2023
Nils Krueger, Klaus Weber, Nils Warfving, Alex Vitali, Jürgen Nolde, Tobias B. Schuster, Gustav Gerd Bruer, Otto Creutzenberg, Benno Wessely, Michael Stintz, Valerie Moise and Marco Kellert. Physical Obstruction of Nasal Cavities With Subsequent Asphyxia, Causes Lethality of Rats in an Acute Inhalation Study With Hydrophobic HMDZ Surface-Treated Synthetic Amorphous Silica (SAS). Frontiers in Public Health. June 2022, Volume 10
Ludwig A. Hothorn, Klaus Weber. Evaluation of histological findings with severity grade, to analyze toxicology in-vivo studies. January 2022
Sabina Šturm, Klaus Weber , Primož Klinc, Ellinor Spörndly-Nees, Azadeh Fakhrzadeh, Tanja Knific, Andrej Škibin, V ˇera Fialová, Yoshimasa Okazaki, Tanja Razinger, Jürgen Laufs, Robert Kreutzer, Milan Pogaˇcnik, Tanja Švara and Vesna Cerkvenik-Flajs. Basic Exploratory Study of Bisphenol A (BPA) Dietary Administration to Istrian Pramenka Rams and Male Toxicity Investigation. Toxics 2022, 10, 224.
Felix Funk, Klaus Weber, Naja Nyffenegger, Jens-Alexander Fuchs, Amy Barton. Tissue biodistribution of intravenous iron-carbohydrate nanomedicines differs between preparations with varying physicochemical characteristics in an anaemic rat model. European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 174 (2022) 56–76
ChantraEskes1MarcelV.W.Wijnands2MartinaHermann3MenkPrinsen2CarolineBertein4DominicByrne4RobertKreutzer5VasanthiMowat6IanTaylor6Erwinvan Vliet1KlausWeber5 Inter-laboratory performance of ICE histopathology scoring to identify UN GHS Category 1 surfactants and non-extreme pH detergents
Sina Riemschneider 1,†,Maximilian Hoffmann 1,†,Ulla Slanina 1,Klaus Weber 2,Sunna Hauschildt 3 andJörg Lehmann 1,4,* Indol-3-Carbinol and Quercetin Ameliorate Chronic DSS-Induced Colitis in C57BL/6 Mice by AhR-Mediated Anti-Inflammatory Mechanisms
de Kort M, Weber K, Wimmer B, Wilutzky K, Neuenhahn P, Allingham P, Leoni A-L. Historical control data for hematology parameters obtained from toxicity studies performed on different Wistar rat strains: Acceptable value ranges, the definition of severity degrees, and vehicle effects. Toxicol Res Appl. 4: 1–32 (2020)
A. Wallace Hayes, Jerry F. Hardisty, Stephen B. Harris, Klaus Weber: The absence of genotoxicity of a novel fatty acid amide hydrolase inhibitor, BIA 10–2474. (2019 Dec).
Jerry F. Hardisty, Stephen B. Harris, Wallace A. Hayes, Klaus Weber: Oral repeated-dose toxicity studies of BIA 10–2474 in beagle dogs. (2019 Dec).
Klaus Weber, Rüdiger Häckerb, Jerry F. Hardisty, Stephen B. Harris, A. Wallace Hayes: Oral repeated-dose toxicity studies of BIA 10–2474 in cynomolgus monkeys. (2019 Nov).
WEBER, K.; Weber, F.; Longo, M.; Okazaki, Y.; Warfving, N.; Pardo, I. D.; Bolon, B.; Krinke, G. J.: Case Report: Canine Strain– and Study Condition–Dependent Formation of Renaut Bodies in Sciatic Nerves of Beagle Dogs. Toxicologic Pathology (2019).
Haange, S.B.; Jehmlich, N.; Hoffmann, M.; WEBER, K.; Lehmann J.; von Bergen M.; Slanina U.: Disease Development Is Accompanied by Changes in Bacterial Protein Abundance and Functions in a Refined Model of Dextran Sulfate Sodium (DSS)-Induced Colitis. 5;18(4):1774-1786 (2019).
Pascual-Pasto, G.; Bazan-Peregrino, M.; Olaciregui N. G.; Restrepo-Perdomo, C. A.; Mato-Berciano, A.; Ottaviani, D.; WEBER, K.; Correa, G.; Paco, S.; Vila-Ubach, M.; Cuadrado-Vilanova, M.; Castillo-Ecija, H.; Botteri, G.; Garcia-Gerique, L.; Moreno-Gilabert, H.; Gimenez-Alejandre, M.; Alonso-Lopez, P.; Farrera-Sal, M.; Torres-Manjon, S.; Ramos-Lozano, D.; Moreno, R.; Aerts, I.; Doz, F.; Cassoux, N.; Chapeaublanc, E.; Torrebadell, M.; Roldan, M.; König, A.; Suño, M.; Claverol, J.; Lavarino, C.; Carmen de, T.; Fu, L.; Radvanyi, F.; Munier, F. L.; Catalá-Mora, J.; Mora, J.; Alemany, R.; Cascalló, M.; Chantada, G. L. and Carcaboso, A. M.: Therapeutic targeting of the RB1 pathway in retinoblastoma with the oncolytic adenovirus VCN-01. Science Translational Medicine 23;11 (476) (2019).
Paulsen, T. R.; Stiller, S.; WEBER, K.; Donath, C.; Schreiband, G. and Jensen, K. H.: A 90-day toxicity and genotoxicity study with high-purity phenylcapsaicin. Toxicology Research and Application 2: 1–21 (2018).
WEBER, K.; Bosch, A.; Bühler, M.; Gopinath, C.; Hardisty, J.; Krüger, N.; MC Connell, E. and Oberdörster, G.: Aerosols of synthetic amorphous silica do not induce fibrosis in lungs after inhalation: Pathology working group review of histopathological specimens from a subchronic 13-week inhalation toxicity study in rats. Toxicology Research and Application Volume 2: 1–17 (2018).
Hoffmann, M.; Schwertassek, U.; Seydel, A.; WEBER, K.; Falk, W.; Hauschildt, S.; Lehmann, J.: A refined and translationally relevant model of chronic DSS colitis in BALB/c mice. Lab Anim. 52(3):240-252 (2017).
Morfeld, P.; Bosch, A.; WEBER, K.; Heinemann, M.; Krueger, N.: Synthetic amorphous silica in food: Findings about “liver fibrosis” and other study-related findings in van der Zande et al. (2014) are questionable. EC Pharmacology and Toxicology 3(2): 49-61 (2017).
WEBER, K.: Differences in Types and Incidence of Neoplasms in Wistar Han and Sprague Dawley Rats, Toxicol Pathol 45(1): 64-75 (2017).
WEBER, K.; Weber, Ka.; Weber, E.: Heterotopic Peripheral Nerves related to Sternal Abnormalities in Two Male B6C3F1 Mice. EC Pharmacology and Toxicology 3(4): 119-123 (2017).
Hoffmann, M.; Schwertassek, U.; Seydel, A.; WEBER, K.; Hauschildt, S., Lehmann, J.: Therapeutic efficacy of a combined sage and bitter apple phytopharmaceutical in chronic DSS-induced colitis. 7(1):14214 (2017).
Strupp, C.; Bomann, W.; Cohen, SM.; WEBER, K.: Relationship of Metabolism and Cell Proliferation to the Modeheat of Action of Fluensulfone-Induced Mouse Lung Tumors. II: Additional Mechanistic Studies. Toxicol Sci. 154(2):296-308 (2016).
Ramot, Y.; WEBER, K.; Moreno Lobato, B.; Margallo, FM.; Caro, JF.; Gómez, LD.; Shabat, R.; Nyska, A.: Trauma as a Cause for Hepatopathy in Newborn Göttingen Minipigs: A Procedure-related Finding Complicating Interpretation of Toxicity Studies. Toxicol Pathol. 44(8):1123-1127 (2016).
Trounson, A.; Kolaja, K.; Petersen, T.; WEBER, K.; McVean, M.; Funk, KA.: Stem Cell Research. Int J Toxicol. 34(4):349-51 (2015).
Wolf, J.; Baumgartner, W.; Blazer, V.; Alvin, C.; Engelhardt, J.; Fournie, J.; Frasca, S.; Groman, D.; Kent, M.; Khoo, L.; McHugh, L.; Lombardini, E.; Ruehl-Fehlert, C.; Segner, H.; Smith, S.; Spitsbergen, J.; WEBER, K.; Wolfe, M.: Non-lesions, Misdiagnoses, Missed Diagnoses, and Other Interpretive Challenges in Fish Histopathology Studies: A Guide for Investigators, Authors, Reviewers, and Readers. Toxicol Pathol. 43(3):297-325 (2015).
WEBER, K.; A.; Fendl, D.; Ordóñez, P.; Takawale, P.; Hein, F.; Riedel, W.; König, A.; Kunze, M.; Leoni, AL.; Rivera, J.; Quirici, R.; Romano, I.; Paepke, S.; Okazaki, Y.; Hardisty, JF.: New method for sperm evaluation by 3-dimensional laser scanning microscopy in different laboratory animal species. Int J Toxicol. 33(5): 353-361 (2014).
WEBER, K.; Fendl, D.; Waletzky, A.; Hein, F.; Kunze, M.; Leoni, A.; Riedel, W.: Evaluation of methyl methanesulfonate induced lesions by laser scanning microscopy. Toxicology Letters 229:S236 (2014).
WEBER, K.; Hailey, JR.; Mann, PC.; Seaton, M.; Funk, KA.; The Role of the Pathologist in GLP Studies. Toxicol Pathol. 42(1):275 (2014).
Wolf, JC.; Ruehl-Fehlert, C.; Segner, HE.; WEBER, K.; Hardisty, JF.: Pathology working group review of histopathologic specimens from three laboratory studies of diclofenac in trout. Aquat Toxicol. 146:127-36 (2014).
Cochran, DL.; Obrecht, M.; WEBER, K.; Dard, M.; Bosshardt, D.; Higginbottom, FL.; Wilson, Jr TG.; Jones, AA.: Biologic Width Adjacent to Loaded Implants with Machined and Rough Collars in the Canine. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 34(6):773-9 (2014).
Memmert, U.; Peither, A.; Burri, R.; WEBER, K.; Schmidt, T.; Sumpter, JP.; Hartmann, A.: Diclofenac: New data on chronic toxicity and bioconcentration in fish. Environ Toxicol Chem. 32(2):442-52 (2013).
Benz, K.; Stippich, C.; Fischer, L.; Möhl, K.; WEBER, K.; Lang, J.; Steffen, F.; Beintner, B.; Gaissmaier, C.; Mollenhauer, JA.: Intervertebral disc cell- and hydrogel supported and spontaneous intervertebral disc repair in nucleotomized sheep. Eur Spine J. 21(9): 1758–1768 (2012).
Pardo, ID.; Garman, RH.; WEBER, K.; Bobrowski, WF.; Hardisty, JF.; Morton, D.: Technical guide for nervous system sampling of the cynomolgus monkey for general toxicity studies. Toxicol Pathol. 40(4):624-36 (2012).
Krinke, G.; WEBER, K.: Histology. In: Hedrich H (ed). The Laboratory Mouse (Handbook of Experimental Animals). 2nd edition. Academic Press. 2012.
Strupp, C.; Banas, DA.; Cohen, SM.; Gordon, E.; Jaeger, M.; WEBER, K.: Relationship of Metabolism and Cell Proliferation to the Mode of Action of Fluensulfone-Induced Mouse Lung Tumors: Analysis of Their Human Relevance Using the IPCS Framework. Toxicol Sci.128(1):284-94 (2012).
Thorpe, KL.; Pereira, ML.; Schiffer, H.; Burkhardt-Holm, P.; WEBER, K.; Wheeler, JR.; Mode of sexual differentiation and its influence on the relative sensitivity of the fathead minnow and zebrafish in the fish sexual development test. Aquat Toxicol. 105(3-4):412-420 (2011).
WEBER, K.; Mahnke, D.; Sieratowicz, A.; Kiporou, E.; Oehlmann, J.: Endocrine modulators in snails. Classic Examples in Toxicologic Pathology (4th Edition) Eds: Drommer W, Karbe E, Germann PG, 4th Edition, ISBN 978-3-9814653-0-3 (2011).
WEBER, K.; Lourdes, G.; Xanxo, S.; Sander, J.; Maraschiello, C.; Djonov, V.; Yamate, J.; Marino, K.: Hepatotoxic compounds. Classic Examples in Toxicologic Pathology (4th Edition) Eds: Drommer W, Karbe E, Germann PG, 4th Edition, ISBN 978-3-9814653-0-3 (2011).
Mollenhauer, JA.; WEBER, K.; Fischer, L.: Autologous chondrocyte grafts in intervertebral discs. Classic Examples in Toxicologic Pathology (4th Edition) Eds: Drommer W, Karbe E, Germann PG, 4th Edition, ISBN 978-3-9814653-0-3 (2011).
Schuler, D.; Chevalier, H-J.; Merker, M.; Morgenthal, K.; Ravanat, J-L.; Sagelsdorff, P.; Walter, M.; WEBER, K.; McGregor, D.: First Steps Towards an Understanding of a Mode of Carcinogenic Action for Vanadium Pentoxide. J Toxicol Pathol 24:149-162 (2011).
WEBER, K.; Mowat, V.; Hartmann, E.; Razinger, T.; Chevalier, H-J.; Blumbach, K.; Green, OP.; Kaiser, S.; Corney, S.; Jackson, A.; Casadesus, A.: Pathology in Continuous Infusion Studies in Rodents and Non-Rodents and ITO (Infusion Technology Organisation)-Recommended Protocol for Tissue Sampling and Terminology for Procedure-Related Lesions. J Toxicol Pathol 24: 113-124 (2011).
WEBER, K.; Razinger, T.; Hardisty, JF.; Mann, P.; Martel, KC.; Frische, EA.; Blumbach, K.; Hillen, S.; Song, S.; Anzai, T.; Chevalier, HJ.: Differences in rat models used in routine toxicity studies. In J Toxicol 30:162-73 (2011).
WEBER, K.; Garman, RH.; Germann, PG.; Hardisty, JF.; Krinke, G.; Millar, P.; Pardo, ID.: Classification of neural tumors in laboratory rodents, emphasizing the rat. Toxicol Pathol 39:129-151 (2011).
Templin, C.; Meyer, M.; Müller, MF.; Djonov, V.; Hlushchuk, R.; Dimova, I.; Flueckiger, S.; Kronen, P.; Sidler, M.; Klein, K.; Nicholls, F.; Ghadri, JM.; WEBER, K.; Paunovic, D.; Corti, R.; Hoerstrup, S.; Lüscher, TF.; Landmesser, U.: Coronary optical frequency domain imaging (OFDI) for in vivo evaluation of stent healing: comparison with light and electron microscopy. Eur Heart J. 31(14):1792-801 (2010).
McKay, JS.; Barale-Thomas, E.; Bolon, B.; George, C.; Hardisty, J.; Manabe, S.; Schorsch, F.; Teranishi, M.; WEBER, K.: A Commentary on the Process of Peer Review and Pathology Data Locking Toxicol Pathol 38: 508-510 (2010).
Pace, V.; Wieczorek, G.; Pace, M.; WEBER, K. and Perentes, P.: Spontaneous Metastatic Angiosarcoma of the Tongue in a Wistar Rat: Morphological and Immunohistochemical Characterization. Toxicol Pathol 38: 472-475 (2010).
WEBER, K.; Ernst, R.; Fankhauser, H.; Hardisty, JF.; Heider, W.; Stevens, K.: Thyroid Dysplasia in Wistar Hannover GALAS Rats. J Toxicol Pathol, 22: 247–254 (2009).
WEBER, K.; Germann, PG.; Iwata, H.; Hardisty, J.; Kaufmann, W.; Rosenbruch, M.: Lesions in the Larynx of Wistar RccHanTM: WIST Rats. J Toxicol Pathol, 22: 228–246 (2009).
Oishi, J; Katzutoshi, T.; Schorsch, F.; WEBER, K.; Hardisty, J.; Kuranami, J.: Panel discussion: Regulatory perspective for pathology data. (transcript). In the 25th JSTP annual meeting at Hamamatsu on 28 January 2009. J Toxicol Pathol, 22: 209-227 (2009).
Bayston, R.; Fisher, LE.; WEBER, K.: An antimicrobial modified silicone peritoneal catheter with activity against both Gram positive and Gram-negative. Biomaterials 30(18):3167-3173 (2009).
WEBER, K.; Thio, T.; Iwata, H.: Compounds causing local intolerability: Carboxy-methylcellulose. Classic Examples in Toxicologic Pathology, 3rd Edition. Eds: Drommer W, Karbe E, Germann PG (2009).
WEBER, K.: Compounds affecting the bone marrow. Classic Examples in Toxicologic Pathology, 3rd Edition. Eds: Drommer W, Karbe E, Germann PG (2009).
WEBER, K.; Thio, T.: Free and Liposomal Doxorubicin-induced Lesions in Rats. Classic Examples in Toxicologic Pathology, 3rdEdition. Eds: Drommer W, Karbe E, Germann PG (2009).
WEBER, K.; Iwata, H.: Inhalative Glucocorticosteroids – Lesions induced in Rats. Classic Examples in Toxicologic Pathology, 3nd Edition. Eds: Drommer W, Karbe E, Germann PG (2009).
Ohno, N.; Terada, N.; Komada, M.; Saitoh, S.; Constantini, F.; Pace, V.; Germann, P-G.; WEBER, K.; Yamakawa, H.; Ohara, O.; Ohno, S.: Dispensable role of protein 4.1B/DAL-1 in rodent adrenal medulla regarding generation of pheochromocytoma and plasmalemmal localization of TSLC1. Biochim Biophys Acta. 1793(3):506-15 (2009).
WEBER, K.: Induced and Spontaneous Lesions in Teeth of Laboratory Animals. J Toxicol Pathol, 20: 203-214 (2007).
WEBER, K: Fluoine-induced tooth lesions. Classic Examples in Toxicologic Pathology, 2nd Edition. Eds: Drommer W, Karbe E, Germann PG, Morawietz G (2007).
WEBER, K: Endocrine modulators in Snails. Classic Examples in Toxicologic Pathology, 2nd Edition. Eds: Drommer W, Karbe E, Germann PG, Morawietz G (2007).
WEBER, K: Mechanically induced tooth lesions. Classic Examples in Toxicologic Pathology, 2nd Edition. Eds: Drommer W, Karbe E, Germann PG, Morawietz G (2007).
WEBER, K.; Konrad, D.: Arterial stents in sheep and rabbits. Classic Examples in Toxicologic Pathology, 2nd Edition. Eds: Drommer W, Karbe E, Germann PG, Morawietz G. (2007).
Rached, E.; Hard, G.C.; Blumbach, K.; WEBER, K.: Ochratoxin A: 13-Week Oral Toxicity and Cell Proliferation in Male Fischer F344/N Rats. Toxicol Sci, 97: 288-298 (2007).
Heinicke, K.; Baum, O.; Ogunshola, O.O.; Vogel, J.; Stallmach, T.; Wolfer, D.P.; Keller, S.; WEBER, K.; Wagner, P.D.; Gassmann, M.; Djonov, V.: Excessive erythrocytosis in adult mice overexpressing erythropoietin leads to hepatic, renal, neuronal and muscular degeneration. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 291(4):R947-56 (2006).
Carthew, P.; Fletcher, S.; White, A.; Harries, H.; WEBER, K.: Transcriptomic and Histopathology Changes in Rat Lung after Intratracheal Instillation of Polymers. Inhal Toxicology 18: 227-245 (2006).
WEBER, K.; Carthew, P.; Schuler, D.: Polymers as Inhalation Carriers. Classic Examples in Toxicologic Pathology, 2nd Edition. Eds: Drommer W, Karbe E, Germann PG, Morawietz G. (2005).
WEBER, K,; Lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-like Compound as Immunomodulator. Classic Examples in Toxicologic Pathology, 2nd Edition. Eds: Drommer W, Karbe E, Germann PG, Morawietz G. (2005).
Konrad, D.; Tsunoda, M.; WEBER, K.; Corney, S.; Ullmann, L: Effects of a topical silver sulfadiazine polyurethane dressing (Mikacure) on wound healing in experimental infected wounds in the pig. A pilot study. J Exp Anim Sci 42(1):31-43 (2002).
Czech, P.; WEBER, K.; Dietrich, D.R.: Effects of endocrine modulating substances on reproduction in the hermaphrodite snail Lymnaea stagnalis L. Aquatic Toxicology 53(2):103-114 (2001).
WEBER, K., Chevalier HJ.; Konrad, D.: Plättchenaggregationsfaktor (PAF) and PAF-Rezeptor-Antagonisten. Classic Examples in Toxicologic Pathology, 1st Edition. Eds: Drommer W, Karbe E, Germann PG, Morawietz G. (2001).
Konrad, D.; WEBER, K.; Corney, S.; Allen, Th.R., Terrier, Ch.: Echocardiography, color-coded doppler imaging, and abdominal sonography, a non-invasive method for investigation of heart and aortic morphology and function in female Gottingen minipigs: method and reference values for M-mode, B-mode, and flow parameters in the pig. A pilot study. Comp Med 50: 405-409 (2000).
Pfister, T.; WEBER, K.; Erny, S.; Allen, Th. R.: Ultrasound technology in the cardiovascular examination of minipigs., Scand J Lab Anim Sci Suppl 1, 25: 121-125 (1998).
Mengs, U.; Schwarz, T.; Bulitta, M.; WEBER, K.: Antitumoral effects of an intravesically applied aqueous mistletoe extract on urinary bladder carcinoma MB49 in mice. Anticancer Res. 20(5B):3565-8 (2000).
WEBER, K.; Hajto, T.; Hostanska, K.; Mengs, U.; Schwarz, T.; Weyhenmeyer, R.; Lentzen, H.; Allen, Th. R.: Effects of a standardized mistletoe preparation on metastatic B16 melanoma colonization in murine lungs. Arzneim.-Forsch./Drug Res. 48: 497-502 (1998).
Hajto, T.; Hostanska, K.; WEBER, K.; Zinke, H.; Fischer, J.; Mengs, U.; Lentzen, H.; Saller, R.: Effect of a recombinant lectin, Viscum album agglutinin (rVAA) on secretion of interleukin-12 in cultured human peripheral blood mononuclear cells and on NK cell-mediated cytotoxicity of rat splenocytes in vitro and in vivo. Nat Immun.16(1):34-46 (1998).
Hostanska, K.; Hajto, T.; WEBER, K.; Fischer, J.; Lentzen, H.; Sütterlin, B.; Saller, R.: A natural immunity activating plant lectin, Viscum album agglutinin I, induces apoptosis in humane lymphocytes, monocytes, monocytic THP-1 cells and murine thymocytes. Nat Immun 15(6):295-311 (1996-97).
WEBER, K.; Mengs, U.; Schwarz, T.; Becker, H.; Lentzen, H.: Stimulation of neutropoiesis by a special standardized mistletoe preparation after cyclophosphamide chemotherapy in mice. Arzneim.-Forsch./Drug Res., 46:1174-1178 (1996).
Knüsel, O.; WEBER, K.; H.J.; Wilson, J.: Vorläufige Ergebnisse der experimentellen Kältetherapie mit dem „Kälte-Therapiekissen Long“. 99. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für physikalische Medizin, Rehabilitation, Physikalische Medizin 4: 152-153 (1994).
WEBER, K.; Opperskalski, J.; Ullmann, L.: Temperature measurement in the carpal joint of an ox during 5-hours cold application with „Kälte Therapie Kissen Long“. SGV-Newsletter 10 (1994).
Dr. Robert Kreutzer
Hahn K, Amberg B, Monné Rodriguez JM, Verslegers M, Kang B, Wils H, Saravanan C, Bangari DS, Long SY, Youssef SA, Pesti B, Schaffenrath J, Valdeolivas A, Kumpesa N, Galván JA, Richardson M, Giroud N, Kunz L, Veiga IB, Bscheider M, Cramer P, Jiang S, Kreutzer R, Vezzali E, Yun SW, Rottenberg S, Jacobsen B. Points to Consider From the ESTP Pathology 2.0 Working Group: Overview on Spatial Omics Technologies Supporting Drug Discovery and Development. Toxicol Pathol. 2025 Feb 10:1926233241311258. doi: 10.1177/01926233241311258. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 39930627.
Rubic-Schneider, T.; Carballido-Perrig, N.; Regairaz, C.; Raad, L.; Jost, S.; Christen, B.; Wieczorek, G.; KREUTZER, R.; Dawson-King, J.; Lametschwandner, G.; Littlewood-Evans, A.; Carballido JM.: GPR91 deficiency exacerbates allergic contact dermatitis while reducing arthritic disease in mice. Allergy 72:444-452 (2016).
Beckmann, N.; Doelemeyer, A.; Zurbruegg, S.; Bigot, K.; Theil, D.; Frieauff, W.; Kolly, C,; Neddermann, D.; KREUTZER, R.; Perrot, L.; Brzak, I;, Jacobson, L.; Neumann, U.; Shimshek, DR.: Longitudinal noninvasive magnetic resonance imaging of brain microhemorrhages in BACE inhibitor-treated APP transgenic mice. Neurobiol Aging 45:50-60 (2016).
Shimshek, DR.; Jacobson, L.; Kolly, C.; Zamurovic, N.; Balavenkatraman, KK.; Morawiec, L.; KREUTZER, R.; Schelle, J.; Jucker, M.; Bertschi, B.; Theil, D.; Heier, A.; Bigot, K.; Beltz, K.; Machauer, R.; Brzak, I.; Perrot, L.; Neumann, U.: Pharmacological BACE1 and BACE2 inhibition induces hair hypopigmentation by inhibiting PMEL17 processing in mice. Sci Reports (Nature Publishing Group) 25;6:21917 (2016).
Pognan, F.; Balavenkatraman KK.; Couttet, P.; KREUTZER, R.; Helliwell, S.; Brees, D.; Cordier, A. ; Chibout, SD.; Naoumov, N.; Wolf, A.; Uteng, M.: Cyclophilin inhibitor Alisporivir (DEB025) is not toxic to mitochondria: a comprehensive in vitro and in vivo assessment. In: Society of Toxicology annual meeting, March 2014, Phoenix, AZ, USA.
Omar, M.; Hansmann, F.; KREUTZER, R.; Kreutzer, M.; Brandes, G.; Wewetzer, K.: Cell type- and isotype-specific expression and regulation of β-tubulins in primary olfactory ensheathing cells and Schwann cells in vitro. Neurochem Res. 38:981-988 (2013).
Zamurovic Ribrioux, N.; Vicart, A.; Bouchez, L.; Voshol, J.; Gerrit, B.; Morawiec, L.; Kirchhofer, L.; Guillemain, G.; Goetschy, M.; Wacker, G.; KREUTZER, R.; Dubost, V.; Theil, D.; Mc Lean, L.; Buono-Dalton, C.; Michelly, P.; Lambert, A.; Chibout, SD.; Frederiksen, M.; Moggs, J.; Funhoff E.: Identification of off target binding proteins by chemical proteomics to elucidate mechanisms of toxicity. In: From Functional Genomics to Systems Biology, 17.-20. 11. 2012, Heidelberg, Germany.
Kummerfeld, M.; Seehusen, F.; Klein, S.; Ulrich, R.; KREUTZER, R.; Gerhauser, I.; Herder, V.; Baumgärtner, W.; Beineke, A.: Periventricular demyelination and axonal pathology is associated with subependymal virus spread in a murine model for multiple sclerosis. Intervirology 55:401-416 (2012).
Kreutzer, M.; Seehusen, F.; KREUTZER, R.; Pringproa, K.; Kummerfeld, M.; Claus, P.; Deschl, U.; Kalkul, A.; Beineke, A.; Baumgärtner, W.; Ulrich, R.: Axonopathy is associated with complex axonal transport defects in a model of multiple sclerosis. Brain Pathol. 22:454-71 (2012).
Puff, C.; Sayed-Ahmed, M.; Bono Contioso, V.; KREUTZER, R.; Baumgärtner, W.: In-vitro Untersuchungen über die Expression und Verteilung von Cortactin in kaninen histiozytären Sarkomzellen nach einer Staupevirusinfektion. DVG – Fachgruppe Pathologie – 54. Tagung der Fachgruppe Pathologie der Deutschen Veterinärmedizinischen Gesellschaft (DVG) 11.03.2011 – 13.03.2011 Fulda (2011).
Omar, M.; Bock, P.; KREUTZER, R.; Ziege, S.; Imbschweiler, I.; Hansmann, F.; Peck, CT.; Baumgärtner, W.; Wewetzer, K.: Defining the morphological phenotype: 2′,3′-cyclic nucleotide 3′-phosphodiesterase (CNPase) is a novel marker for in situ detection of canine but not rat olfactory ensheathing cells. Cell Tissue Res. 344:391-405 (2011).
KREUTZER, R.; Kreutzer, M.; Günther, CP.; Mätz-Rensing, K.; Wohlsein, P.: Systemic herpesvirus infection in an Azara’s Night Monkey (Aotus azarae). J Med Primatol. 40:197-199 (2011).
Kinne, J.; KREUTZER, R.; Kreutzer, M.; Wernery, U.; Wohlsein, P.: Peste des Petits Ruminants in Arabian wildlife. Epidemiology & Infection 138:1211-1214 (2010).
Techangamsuwan, S.; KREUTZER, R.; Kreutzer, M.; Imbschweiler, I.; Rohn, K.; Wewetzer, K.; Baumgärtner, W.: Transfection of adult canine Schwann cells and olfactory ensheathing cells at early and late passage with human TERT differentially affects growth factor responsiveness and in vitro growth. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 176:112-120 (2009).
KREUTZER R.; Kreutzer, M.; Sewell, AC.; Techangamsuwan, S.; Leeb, T.; Baumgärtner, W.: Impact of β-galactosidase mutations on the expression of the canine lysosomal multienzyme complex. Biochim Biophys Acta. 1792:982-987 (2009).
Kreutzer, M.; KREUTZER R.; Siebert, U.; Müller, G.; Rejders, P.; Brasseur, S.; Härkönen, T.; Dietz, R.; Sonne, C.; Born, EW.; Baumgärtner, W.: In search for virus carriers of the 1988 and 2000 phocine distemper virus outbreaks in European harbour seals. Arch Virol. 153(1):187-192 (2008).
KREUTZER, R.; Kreutzer, M; Leeb, T; Baumgärtner, W.: Rapid and accurate GM1-gangliosidosis diagnosis using a parentage testing microsatellite. Molecular and Cellular Probes; 22:252-254 (2008).
Staszyk, C.; Bienert, A.; KREUTZER, R.; Wohlsein, P.; Simhofer, H.: Equine odontoclastic tooth resorption and hypercementosis. The Veterinary Journal 178:372-379 (2008).
KREUTZER, R.; Kreutzer, M.; Pröpsting, MJ.; Sewell, AC.; Naim, HY.; Leeb, T.; Baumgärtner, W.: Insights into post-translational processing of beta-galactosidase in an animal model resembling late infantile human G(M1)-gangliosidosis. Journal of Molecular and Cellular Medicine 12:1661-1671 (2008).
Techangamsuwan, S.; Imbschweiler, I.; KREUTZER, R.; Kreutzer, M.; Baumgärtner, W.; Wewetzer, K.: Similar behaviour and primate-like properties 1 of adult canine Schwann cells and olfactory ensheathing cells in long-term culture. Brain Research, 1240:31-38 (2008).
KREUTZER, R.; Müller, G.; Leeb, T.; Moritz, A.; Baumgärtner, W.: GM1-Gangliosidosis – Diagnostic possibilities. (in German). Tierärztl Prax 35(K):193-199 (2007).
KREUTZER, R.; Wohlsein, P.; Baumgärtner, W.: Dental benign cementomas in three horses. Vet Pathol. 44(4):533-536 (2007).
KREUTZER, R.; Müller, G.; Moritz, A.; Leeb, T.; Baumgärtner, W.: A novel canine betagalactosidase gene duplication causing exon skipping and the GM1Gangliosidosis in Alaskan Huskies. Genetics. 2005;170(4):1857-1861 (2005).
KREUTZER, R.: West Nile Fieber In: Milzbrand, Pest, Pocken – Bedrohung durch alte und neue Krankheitserreger: Symposiumsschrift: Emerging Infectious Diseases (EID), Giessen, Deutschland (2004).
Dr. Yoshimasa Okazaki
Shiga, A.; Katoh, Y.; Ito, T.; Ohnuma-Koyama, A.; Takahashi, N.; OKAZAKI, Y.; Harada, T.: An extraskeletal osteosarcoma in the auricle of a Wistar Hannover rat. The Journal of Toxicologic Pathology in press (2019).
Weber, K.; Weber, F.; Longo, M.; OKAZAKI, Y.; Warfving, N.; Pardo, ID.; Bolon, B.; Krinke, G.: Canine strain and study condition-dependent formation of Renaut bodies in sciatic nerves of beagle dogs. Case Report. Toxicologic Pathology (accepted on 15. April 2019).
Makino, E.; Fukuyama, T.; Watanabe, Y.; Tajiki-Nishino, R.; Tajima, H.; Ohnuma-Koyama, A.; Takahashi, N.; Ohtsuka, R.; OKAZAKI, Y.: Subacute oral administration of folic acid elicits anti-inflammatory response in a mouse model of allergic dermatitis. The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry 67: 14-19 (2019).
Katoh, Y.; Ito, T.; Shimada, Y.; Ohnuma-Koyama, A.; Takahashi, N.; OKAZAKI, Y.; Shiga, A.; Kuwahara, M.; Yoshida, T.; Harada, T.: Spontaneous malignant myoid thymoma in an aged female Fischer 344 rat. Journal of Toxicologic Pathology 31: 135-139 (2018).
Ito, T.; Yoshida, T.; Soma, K.; Katoh, Y.; Shimada, Y.; Ohnuma-Koyama, A.; Takahashi, N.; OKAZAKI, Y.; Shiga, A.; Kuwahara, M.; Harada, T.: A spontaneous myoepithelial carcinoma in the mammary gland of an aged female ICR (CD-1) mouse. Journal of Toxicologic Pathology 30: 245-250 (2017).
Pothmann, D.; Simar, S.; Schuler, D.; Dony, E.; Gaering, S.; le Net, J-L.; OKAZAKI, Y.; Chabagno, JM.; Bessibes, C.; Beausoleil, J.; Nesslany, F.; Régnier, JF.: Lung inflammation and lack of genotoxicity in the comet and micronucleus assays of industrial multiwalled carbon nanotubes Graphistrength© C100 after a 90-day nose-only inhlation exposure of rats. Particle and Fibre Toxicology 12: 21 (2015).
Weber, K.; Waletzky, A.; Fendl, D.; Ordóñez, P.; Takawale, P.; Hein, F.; Riedel, W.; König, A.; Kunze, M.; Leoni, A-L.; Rivera, J.; Quirici, R.; Romano, I.; Paepke, S.; OKAZAKI, Y.; Hardisty, JF.: New method for sperm evaluation by 3-dimensional laser scanning microscopy in different laboratory animal species. International Journal of Toxicology 33: 353-361 (2014).
Murakami, Y.; OKAZAKI, Y.; Okayama, S.; Fujihira, S.; Noto, T.; Nakatsuji, S.; Oishi, Y.: Goblet cell hyperplasia and muscular thickening in the small intestine of a Cynomolgus monkey. Journal of Toxicologic Pathology 23: 85-89 (2010).
Anagawa, A.; OKAZAKI, Y.; Murakami, Y.; Tsubota, K.; Ono, M.; Matsumoto, M.; Nakatsuji, S.; Oishi, Y.: A case of spontaneous malignant hibernoma in a Crl:CD(SD)IGS rat. Journal of Toxicologic Pathology 22: 205-208 (2009).
Ramot, Y.; Manno, RA.; OKAZAKI, Y.; Krakovsky, M.; Lamensdorf, I.; Meiron, M.; Toren, A.; Zehavi-Goldstein, E.; Vezzali, E.; Nyska, A.: Spontaneous aortitis in the Balb/c mouse. Toxicologic Pathology 37: 667-671 (2009).
Tsubota, K.; Nakatsuji, S.; Matsumoto, M.; Fujihira, S.; Yoshizawa, K.; OKAZAKI, Y.; Murakami, Y.; Anagawa, A.; Oku, Y.; Oishi, Y.: Abdominal cysticercosis in a cynomolgus monkey. Veterinary Parasitology 161: 339-341 (2009).
OKAZAKI, Y.: Serial case No. 471, Jejunum of the rat (Drug-induced lipid accumulation in lamina propria). In: Case Collection of Conference on Experimental Animal Histopathology, Vol. 3, p. 107 (2006). (in japanese)
OKAZAKI, Y.; Matsumoto, M.; Tsubota, K.; Nakatsuji, S.; Fujihira, S.; Oishi, Y.: Foregut cyst of the oesophageal wall in a cynomolgus monkey (Macaca fasciculata). Journal of Comparative Pathology 135: 259-262 (2006).
Ikegami, H.; OKAZAKI, Y.; Matsumoto, M.; Nakatsuji, S.; Fujihira, S.; Yoshizawa, K.; Tsubota, K.; Murakami, Y.; Anagawa, A.; Oishi, Y.: Hepatocellular cytoplasmic inclusions in a cynomolgus monkey. Journal of Toxicologic Pathology 19: 191-194 (2006).
Hoshino, N.; Iwai, M.; OKAZAKI, Y.: A two-generation reproductive toxicity study of dicyclohexyl phthalate in rats. Journal of Toxicological Sciences, 30(Special Issue): 79-96 (2005).
Wako, Y.; OKAZAKI, Y.; Tomonari, Y.; Doi, T.; Kanno, T.; Katsuta, O.; Tsuchitani, M.: A pseudotumorous nodular lesion of the subcutis in a beagle dog comparative to calcifying fibrous pseudotumor in human. Journal of Toxicologic Pathology 18: 199-202 (2005).
Yamashita, K.; OKAZAKI, Y.; Tsuchitani, M.: Vascular lesion in the meninx and retina following administration of 3,3’-iminodipropionitrile (IDPN) in rats. Journal of Toxicologic Pathology 18: 19-25 (2005).
Tsubota, K.; Yoshizawa, K.; Fujihira, S.; OKAZAKI, Y.; Matsumoto, M.; Nakatsuji, S.; Oishi, Y.: A spontaneous ovarian immature teratoma in a juvenile rat. Journal of Toxicologic Pathology 17: 211-218 (2004).
OKAZAKI, Y.; Yamashita, K.; Ishii, H.; Sudo, M.; Tsuchitani, M.: Potential of neurotoxicity after a single oral dose of 4-bromo-, 4-chloro-, 4-fluoro- or 4-iodo-aniline in rats. Journal of Applied Toxicology 23: 315-322 (2003).
Yoshioka, T.; Hamamura, M.; Yoshimura, S.; OKAZAKI, Y.; Yamaguchi, Y.; Sunaga, M.; Hoshuyama, S.; Iwata, H.; Okada, M.; Takei, Y.; Yamaguchi, M.; Mitsumori, K.; Imai, K.; Narama, I.; Okuno, Y.: Neuropathological evaluation of acrylamide- and 3,3’-iminodipropionitrile-induced neurotoxicity in a rat 28-day oral toxicity study – Collaborative project for standardization of test procedures and evaluation of neurotoxicity. Journal of Toxicologic Pathology 14: 279-287 (2001).
OKAZAKI, Y.; Yamashita, K.; Sudo, M.; Tsuchitani, M.; Narama, I.; Yamaguchi, R.; Tateyama, S.: Neurotoxicity induced by a single oral dose of aniline in rats. The Journal of Veterinary Medical Science 63: 539-546 (2001).
Katsuta, O.; Tomonari, Y.; OKAZAKI, Y.; Kawamura, M.; Watanabe, K.; Matsui, H.; Sakuma, Y.; Tsuchitani, M.: Naturally occuring Helicobactor pylori infection in the cynomolgus minkey (Macaca fascicularis) used in subclinical studies. Journal of Toxicologic Pathology 14: 45-49 (2001).
OKAZAKI, Y.; Yamashita, K.; Sudo, M.; Tsuchitani, M.; Narama. I.; Yamaguchi, R.; Tateyama, S.: The progression and recovery of neurotoxicity induced by a single oral dose of aniline in rats. Journal of Toxicologic Pathology 14: 19-28 (2001).
OKAZAKI, Y.: Serial case No. 257, Pituitary of the rat (Gangliocytoma with immature neuronal cell elements). In: Case Collection of Conference on Experimental Animal Histopathology, Vol. 2, p. 47 (2000). (in japanese)
OKAZAKI, Y.: Serial case No. 214, Heart of the rat (Dilated cardiomyopathy). In: Case Collection of Conference on Experimental Animal Histopathology, Vol. 2, p. 8 (2000). (in japanese)
Katsuta, O.; Yamaguchi-Onozawa, M.; Okazaki, K.; Itoh, T.; OKAZAKI, Y.; Tsuchitani, M.: Gross and microscopic anatomy of the extraorbital lacrimal gland of the common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus). Comparative Medicine 50: 609-612 (2000).
Katsuta, O.; Doi, T.; OKAZAKI, Y.; Wako, Y.; Tsuchitani, M.: Case report: Spontaneous hemangiosarcoma in the pancreas of a Fischer rat. Toxicologic Pathology 27: 463-467 (1999).
Doi, T.; Yokoyama, M.; OKAZAKI, Y.; Wako, Y.; Katsuta, O.; Tsuchitani, M.: Case report: Spontaneous glioblastoma multiforme in an AKR/J Sea mouse. Journal of Toxicologic Pathology 12: 151-153 (1999).
Katsuta, O.; Doi, T.; Yokoyama, M.; OKAZAKI, Y.; Tsuchitani, M.; Kidachi, F.: Vascular leiomyoma of the mesentery in a dog. Journal of Comparative Pathology 118: 155-162 (1998).
Takahashi, K.; Ise, K.; Okabe, E.; Toyota, N.; Takano, K.; Tsuchitani, M.; OKAZAKI, Y.; Suzuki, Y.; Hirano, T.; Izawa, O.; Iwata, H.; Saeki, N.; Ohnishi, M.; Nakayoshi, T.: Six-month repeated dose oral toxicity study of Rolipram in rats. Clinical Report (Kiso to Rinsho) 31: 1465-1490 (1997). (in japanese)
OKAZAKI, Y.; Katsuta, O.; Yokoyama, M.; Wako, Y.; Yamagichi, Y.; Tsuchitani, M.: Gangliocytoma with immature neuronal cell elements in the pituitary of a rat. The Journal of Veterinary Medical Science 59: 833-836 (1997).
OKAZAKI, Y.; Kurata, Y.; Makinodan, F.; Kidachi, F.; Yokoyama, M.; Wako, Y.; Yamagishi, Y.; Katsuta, O.; Tsuchitani, M.: Spontaneous lesions detected in the common cotton-eared marmosets (Callithrix jacchus). The Journal of Veterinary Medical Science 58: 181-190 (1996).
OKAZAKI, Y.; Matsumoto, J.; Katsuta, O.; Tsuchitani, M.: Dilated cardiomyopathy in a Wistar rat. Journal of Toxicologic Pathology 8: 155-159 (1995).
Katsuta, O.; Yokoyama, M.; OKAZAKI, Y.; Wako, Y.; Yamagishi, Y.; Takechi, M.; Tsuchitani, M.: Intraocular leiomyosarcima in a Fischer 344 rat. Contemporary Topics 34: 88-90 (1995).
Nakata, K.; OKAZAKI, Y.; Hattori, H.; Nakamura, S.: Protective effects of sparfloxacin in experimental pneumonia caused by Chlamydia Pneumoniae in leukopenic mice. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 38: 1757-1762 (1994).
Miyazaki, M.; Hosoki, K.; Okunishi, H.; Ishii, K.; Ikeno, A.; OKAZAKI, Y.: Anti-atherosclerotic and plasma lipid lowering effects of the novel calcium blocker with α1-adrenoceptor antagonistic activity, monatepil, in high cholesterol diet-fed Japanese Macaca Fuscata monkeys. Arzneimittel-Forschung Drug Research 44: 288-297 (1994).
OKAZAKI, Y.; Okimoto, K.; Terada, Y.; Yasuba, M.; Nakamura, H.: A case of spontaneous true hermaphroditism in the rat with evidence of female character. Journal of Toxicologic Pathology 6: 251-256 (1993).
Nakamura, S.; Nakata, K.; Kashimoto, S.; Kajikawa, F.; OKAZAKI, Y.; Iida, M.; Ohnishi, K.; Hashimoto, M.: Antichlamydial activity of sparfloxacin. Chemotherapy 39 (Suppl. 4): 93-100 (1991). (in japanese)
Dr. Roman Schönauer
SCHOENAUER R.; Babiychuk E.B.; Drücker P.; Babiychuk V.S.; Avota E.; Schneider-Schaulies S.; Köffel R.; Draeger A.: Down-regulation of acid sphingomyelinase and neutral sphingomyelinase 2 inversely determines the cellular resistance to plasmalemmal injury by pore-forming toxins. FASEB J. 33(1):275-285. (2019).
Köffel R.; Wolfmeier H.; Larpin Y.; Besançon H.; SCHOENAUER R.; Babiychuk V.S.; Drücker P.; Pabst T.; Mitchell T.J.; Babiychuk E.B.; Draeger A.: Host-Derived Microvesicles Carrying Bacterial Pore-Forming Toxins Deliver Signals to Macrophages: A Novel Mechanism of Shaping Immune Responses. Front Immunol. 9:1688. (2018).
Börtlein C.; Draeger A.; SCHOENAUER R.; Kuhlemann A.; Sauer M.; Schneider-Schaulies S.; Avota E.: The neutral sphingomyelinase 2 is required to polarize and amplify T cell receptor signaling. Front Immunol. 9:815. (2018).
Drücker P.; Bachler S.; Wolfmeier H.; SCHOENAUER R.; Köffel R.; Babiychuk V.S.; Dittrich P.S.; Draeger A.; Babiychuck E.B.: Pneumolysin-damaged cells benefit from non-homogenous toxin binding to chlolesterol-rich membrane domains. Biochim Biophys Acta Mol Cell Biol Lipids. 1863(8):795-805. (2018).
Wolfmeier H.; Radecke J.; SCHOENAUER R.; Koeffel R.; Babiychuk V.S.; Drücker P.; Hathaway L.J.; Mitchell T.J.; Zuber B.; Draeger A.; Babiychuk E.B.: Active release of pneumolysin prepores and pores by mammalian cells undergoing a Streptococcus pneumoniae attack. Biochim Biophys Acta. 1860(11 Pt A):2498-509. (2016).
Wolfmeier H.; SCHOENAUER R.; Atanassoff A.P.; Neill D.R.; Kadioglu A.; Draeger A.; Babiychuk E.B.: Ca2+-dependent repair of pneumolysin pores: Anew paradigml for host cellular defense against bacterial pore-forming toxins. Biochim Biophys Acta. 1853(9):2045-54. (2015).
Draeger A.; SCHOENAUER R.; Atanassoff A.P.; Wolfmeier H.; Babiychuk E.B.: Dealing with damage: plasma membrane repair mechanisms. Biochimie. 107 Pt A:66-72. (2014).
Atanassoff A.P.; Wolfmeier H.; SCHOENAUER R.; Hostettler A.; Ring A.; Draeger A.; Babiychuk E.B.: Microvesicle shedding and lysosomal repair fulfill divergent cellular needs during the repair of streptolysin O-induced plasmalemmal damage. PLoS One. 9(2):e89743. (2014).
SCHOENAUER R.; Atanassoff A.P.; Wolfmeier H.; Pelegrin P.; Babiychuk E.B.; Draeger A.: P2X7 receptors mediate resistance to toxin-induced cell lysis. Biochim Biophys Acta. 1843(5):915-22. (2014).
Weber B.; Kehl D.; Bleul U.; Behr L.; Sammut S.; Frese L.; Ksiazek A.; Achermann J.; Stranzinger G.; Robert J.; Sanders B.; Sidler M.; Brokopp C.E.; Proulx S.T.; Frauenfelder T.; SCHOENAUER R.; Emmert M.Y.; Falk V.; Hoerstrup S.P.: In vitro fabrication of autologous living tissue-engineered vascular grafts based on prenatally harvested ovine amniotic fluid-derived stem cells. J Tissue Eng Regen Med. 10(1):52-70. (2013).
Wilson A.J.; SCHOENAUER R.; Ehler E.; Agarkova I.; Bennett P.M.; Cardiomyocyte growth and sarcomerogenesis at the intercalated disc. Cell Mol Life Sci. 71(1):165-81. (2014).
Voigt T.; Sebald H.J.; SCHOENAUER R.; Levano S.; Girard T.; Hoppeler H.H.; Babiychuk E.B.; Draeger A.: Annexin A1 is a biomarker of T-tubular repair in skeletal muscle of nonmyopathic patients undergoing statin therapy. FASEB J. 27(6):2156-64. (2013).
Weber B.; Emmert M.Y.; Behr L.; SCHOENAUER R.; Brokopp C.; Drögemüller C.; Modregger P.; Stampanoni M.; Vats D.; Rudin M.; Bürzle W.; Farine M.; Mazza E.; Frauenfelder T.; Zannettino A.C.; Zünd G.; Kretschmar O.; Falk V.; Hoerstrup S.P.: Prenatally engineered autologous amniotic fluid stem cell-based heart valves in the fetal circulation. Biomaterials. 33(16):4031-43. (2012).
Weber B.; SCHOENAUER R.; Papadopulos F.; Modregger P.; Peter S.; Stampanoni M.; Mauri A.; Mazza E.; Gorelik J.; Agarkova I.; Frese L.; Breymann C.; Kretschmar O.; Hoerstrup S.P.: Engineering of living autologous human umbilical cord cell-based septal occluder membranes using composite PGA-P4HB matrices. Biomaterials. 33(16) :4031-43. (2012).
Weber B.; Scherman J.; Emmert M.Y.; Gruenenfelder J.; Verbeek R.; Bracher M.; Black M.; Kortsmit J.; Franz T.; SCHOENAUER R.; Baumgartner L.; Brokopp C.; Agarkova I.; Wolint P.; Zund G.; Falk V.; Zilla P.; Hoerstrup S.P.: Injectable living marrow stromal cell-based autologous tissue engineered heart valves: first experiences with a one-step intervention in primates. Eur Heart J. 32(22):2830-40. (2011).
Brokopp C.E.; SCHOENAUER R.; Richards P.; Bauer S.; Lohmann C.; Emmert M.Y.; Weber B.; Winnik S.; Aikawa E.; Graves K.; Genoni M.; Vogt P.; Lüscher T.F.; Renner C.; Hoerstrup S.P.; Matter C.M.: Fibroblast activation protein is induced by inflammation and degrades type I collagen in thin-cap fibroatheromata. Eur Heart J. 32(21):2713-22. (2011).
Weber B.; Emmert M.Y.; SCHOENAUER R.; Brokopp C.; Baumgartner L.; Hoerstrup S.P.; Tissue engineering on matrix: future of autologous tissue replacement. Semin Immunopathol. 33(3):307-15. (2011).
SCHOENAUER R.; Emmert M.Y.; Felley A.; Ehler E.; Brokopp C.; Weber B.; Nemir M.; Faggian G.G.; Pedrazzini T.; Falk V.; Hoerstrup S.P.; Agarkova I.: EH-myomesin splice isoform is a novel marker for dilated cardiomyopathy. Basic Res Cardiol. 106(2): 233–247. (2011).
Burkhardt J.K.; Schmidt D.; SCHOENAUER R.; Brokopp C.; Agarkova I.; Bozinov O.; Bertalanffy H.; Hoerstrup S.P.: Upregulation of transmembrane endothelial junction proteins in human cerebral cavernous malformations. Neurosurg Focus. 29(3):E3. (2010).
Gabi M.; Bullen M.E.; Agarkova I.; Schmidt D.; SCHOENAUER R.; Brokopp C.; Emmert M.Y.; Larmagnac A.; Sannomiya T.; Weber B.; Wilhelm M.J.; Vörös J.; Hoerstrup S.P.: Effects of small pulsed nanocurrents on cell viability in vitro and in vivo: implications for biomedical electrodes. Biomaterials. 31(33):8666-73. (2010).
Hirschy, A.; Croquelois, A.; Perriard, E.; SCHOENAUER R.; Agarkova I.; Hoerstrup S.P.; Taketo M.M.; Pedrazzini T.; Perriard J.C.; Ehler E.: Stabilised beta-catenin in postnatal ventricular myocardium leads to dilated cardiomyopathy and premature death. Basic Res Cardiol. 105(5):597-608. (2010).
SCHOENAUER R.; Lange, S.; Hirschy, A.; Ehler, E.; Perriard, J.-C.; Agarkova I.: Myomesin 3 – a novel component of the M-band in striated muscle. J Mol Biol. 376(2), 338-351. (2008).
SCHOENAUER R.; Bertoncini, P.; Machaidze, G.; Aebi, U.; Perriard, J.-C.; Hegner, M.; Agarkova, I.: Myomesin is a molecular spring with adaptable elasticity. J Mol Biol. 349(2), 367-379. (2005).
Bertoncini P.; SCHOENAUER R.; Agarkova I.; Hegner M.; Perriard J.-C.; Güntherodt H.J.: Study of the mechanical properties of myomesin proteins using dynamic force spectroscopy. J Mol Biol. 348(5):1127-37. (2005).
Agarkova, I.; SCHOENAUER R.; Ehler, E.; Carlsson, L.; Carlsson, E.; Thornell, L.-E.; and Perriard, J.-C.: The molecular composition of the sarcomeric M-band correlates with muscle fiber type. Eur J Cell Biol. 83: 1-12. (2004).
Agarkova I.; Ehler E.; Lange S.; SCHOENAUER R.; Perriard J.-C.: M-band: a safeguard for sarcomere stability? J Muscle Res Cell Motil. 24(2-3):191-203. (2003).
Dr. Aléthéa Liens
Prezado Y, Hirayama R, Matsufuji N, Inaniwa T, Martínez-Rovira I, Seksek O, Bertho A, Koike S, Labiod D, Pouzoulet F, Polledo L, Warfving N, Liens A, Bergs J, Shimokawa T. A Potential Renewed Use of Very Heavy Ions for Therapy: Neon Minibeam Radiation Therapy. Cancers. 2021. 17;13(6):1356
– Bertho, A., Ortiz, R., Juchaux, M., Gilbert, C., Lamirault, C., Pouzoulet, F., Polledo, L., Liens, A., Warfving, N., Sebrie, C. and Jourdain, L., 2021. First evaluation of temporal and spatial fractionation in proton mini beam radiation therapy of glioma-bearing rats. Cancers, 13(19), p.4865.
Ing. BioMed. Nils Warfving
Reproduction toxicity study with the synthetic amorphous silica SYLOID® AL-1 FP, HDK® N20, LUDOX® P T-40 F and SYLOID® MX 107 in the earthworm species Eisenia fetida. Authors: Nils Warfving, Anna-Luisa Weber, Jürgen Nolde, Klaus Weber
Eosinophilic globules (syn. hyaline inclusions) and protein crystalloids in the nasal mucosa of rats treated with synthetic amorphous silica, an unspecific chitinase-like-protein-positive background lesion. Authors: Klaus Weber, Nils Warfving, Gustav Gerd Bruer, Nils Krueger, Yoshimasa Okazaki, Roman Schoenauer, Dirk Schaudien
Enhanced study design for acute inhalation studies with hydrophobic surface-treated particles to determine toxicological effects including suffocation. Authors: Gustav Gerd Bruer, Otto Creutzenberg, Paula Janssen, Nils Krueger, Jürgen Nolde, Mehmet Ramazanoglu, Dirk Schaudien, Tobias B. Schuster, Michael Stintz, Nils Warfving, Benno Wessely, Klaus Weber
Nurdan Özmeriç, Gaye Özgür Çakal, Ceren Gökmenoğlu, Ahmet Özmeriç, Bahar Füsun Oduncuoğlu, Tuğçe Hacaloğlu, Bilgin Kaftanoğlu. Histomorphometric and biomechanical evaluation of the osseointegration around micro- and nano-level boron-nitride coated titanium dental implants. Journal of Stomatology, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Volume 123, Issue 6. November 2022.
Kay Marquardt, Flora Wegener, Nils Warfving, Christian Hartmann, Kristina Riegel, Thomas Hengl. Attraction of fibroblasts by Micro-Focused Ultrasound (MFU-V). IMAC Poster 2023.
Paula Ortega Pérez, Klaus Weber, Ricardo de Miguel, Kristel Kegler, Aléthéa Liens, Raquel Vallejo, Olivia Richard, Nils Warfving. UNEXPECTED HISTOPATHOLOGICAL FINDINGS IN SELECTED PRE-CLINICAL MEDICAL DEVICE STUDIES. ESTP 2023.
Bartosch Nowag, Daniela Schäfer, Nils Warfving, Thomas Hengl. Distance between microspheres is crucial for neocollagenesis. IMCAS Poster 2022.
G.G. Bruer, N. Krueger, K. Weber, N. Warfving, A. Vitali, J. Nolde, T. Schuster, O. Creutzenberg, P. Janssen, B. Wessely, M. Stintz, V. Moise, M. Kellert. P13-19 Enhanced study design for acute inhalation studies with hydrophobic surface treated particles to reveal the issue of suffocation through strong agglomeration of particles in the nose of test animals. Inhalation and respiratory toxicology. ICT 2022.
Nils Warfving, Laura Polledo, Alex Vitali, Bastian Zingg, Klaus. Weber. Morphohistological Data of Normal Variation of the Thyroid Glands From Tadpoles in Amphibian Metamorphosis Assays Using Automated Image Analysis by Machined Learned Algorithms. SETAC 2022.
Francisco H, Sandgren R, Bornert F, Herber V, Warfving N, Finelle G. Bone Preservation of a Novel Implant: Submerged vs. Transgingival Healing. IADR/AADR/CADR General Session, June 2019.
Nils Warfving, Russlan Hlushchuk, Klaus Weber. Vascular Imaging by Novel Contrast Agent to Advance Preclinical Models. MEET THE EXPERT, March 2018.
Dr. Olivia Richard
Schönbächler K, Olias P, Richard OK, Origgi FC, Dervas E, Hoby S, Basso W, Berenguer Veiga I. Fatal spirorchiidosis in European pond turtles (Emys orbicularis) in Switzerland. Int J Parasitol Parasites Wildl. 2022 Jan 11;17:144-151. doi: 10.1016/j.ijppaw.2022.01.004. PMID: 35079570; PMCID: PMC8777241.
Meister SL, Richard OK, Hoby S, Gurtner C, Basso WU. Fatal avian malaria in captive Atlantic puffins (Fratercula arctica) in Switzerland. Int J Parasitol Parasites Wildl. 2021 Jan 18;14:97-106. doi: 10.1016/j.ijppaw.2020.12.007. PMID: 33552896; PMCID: PMC7848291.
Dr. Riccardo de Miguel
Alejo, T.; Uson, L.; Landa, G.; Prieto, M.; Yus Argón, C.; Garcia-Salinas, S.; de Miguel, R.; Rodríguez-Largo, A.; Irusta, S.; Sebastian, V.; et al. Nanogels with High Loading of Anesthetic Nanocrystals for Extended Duration of Sciatic Nerve Block. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2021, 13.
de Miguel, R.; Arrieta, M.; Rodríguez‐largo, A.; Echeverría, I.; Resendiz, R.; Pérez, E.; Ruiz, H.; Pérez, M.; de Andrés, D.; Reina, R.; et al. Worldwide prevalence of small ruminant lentiviruses in sheep: A systematic review and meta‐analysis. Animals2021, 11, 1–21.
de Miguel, R.; Asín, J.; Rodríguez-Largo, A.; Echeverría, I.; Lacasta, D.; Pinczowski, P.; Gimeno, M.; Molín, J.; Fernández, A.; de Blas, I.; et al. Growth performance and clinicopathological analyses in lambs repetitively inoculated with aluminium-hydroxide containing vaccines or aluminium-hydroxide only. Animals2021, 11, 1–18.
Navarro, E.; Mainau, E.; de Miguel, R.; Temple, D.; Salas, M.; Manteca, X. Oral Meloxicam Administration in Sows at Farrowing and Its Effects on Piglet Immunity Transfer and Growth. Front. Vet. Sci.2021, 8.
Rodríguez-Largo, A.; Castells, E.; de Miguel, R.; Gómez, Á.; Ruiz, H.; Pérez, M.; Reina, R.; Ferrer, L.M.; Luján, L. Detection of aluminium hydroxide-induced granulomas in sheep by computed tomography: A feasible approach for small ruminant lentiviruses diagnosis and research. Vet. Med. Sci.2021, 7, 1757–1761.
Asín, J.; Molín, J.; de Miguel, R.; Rodríguez-Largo, A.; Areso, J.; Luján, L. Paraduodenal mesenteric cyst of enteric origin (enterogenous cyst) in a Labrador Retriever puppy. J. Am. Vet. Med. Assoc.2021, 259, 1–4.
García-Salinas, S.; Gámez, E.; Asín, J.; de Miguel, R.; Andreu, V.; Sancho-Albero, M.; Mendoza, G.; Irusta, S.; Arruebo, M. Efficiency of Antimicrobial Electrospun Thymol-Loaded Polycaprolactone Mats in Vivo. ACS Appl. Bio Mater.2020, 3, 3430–3439.
Echeverría, I.; de Miguel, R.; De Pablo-Maiso, L.; Glaria, I.; Benito, A.A.; De Blas, I.; De Andrés, D.; Luján, L.; Reina, R. Multi-Platform Detection of Small Ruminant Lentivirus Antibodies and Provirus as Biomarkers of Production Losses. Front. Vet. Sci.2020, 7.
Echeverría, I.; de Miguel, R.; Asín, J.; Rodríguez-Largo, A.; Fernández, A.; Pérez, M.; de Andrés, D.; Luján, L.; Reina, R. Replication of Small Ruminant Lentiviruses in Aluminum Hydroxide-Induced Granulomas in Sheep: a Potential New Factor for Viral Dissemination. J. Virol.2020, 95.
Ruiz, H.; Ferrer, L.M.; Ramos, J.J.; Baselga, C.; Alzuguren, O.; Tejedor, M.T.; de Miguel, R.; Lacasta, D. The relevance of caseous lymphadenitis as a cause of culling in adult sheep. Animals2020, 10, 1–13.
Molín, J.; Asín, J.; Stekolnikov, A.; de Miguel, R.; Pérez, M.; Gimeno, M.; Pinczowski, P.; Luján, L. Pathology of Trombiculosis caused by Neoschoengastia simonovichi in Wild Red-Legged Partridges (Alectoris rufa). J. Comp. Pathol.2020, 181, 92–96.
Asín, J.; Hilbe, M.; de Miguel, R.; Rodríguez‐Largo, A.; Lanau, A.; Akerman, A.; Stalder, H.; Schweizer, M.; Luján, L. An Outbreak of Abortions, Stillbirths, and Malformations in a Spanish Sheep Flock Associated with a Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus 2‐Contaminated Orf Vaccine. Transbound. Emerg. Dis.2020.
de Miguel, R.; Asín, J.; Rodríguez-Largo, A.; Molín, J.; Echeverría, I.; de Andrés, D.; Pérez, M.; de Blas, I.; Mold, M.; Reina, R.; et al. Detection of aluminum in lumbar spinal cord of sheep subcutaneously inoculated with aluminum-hydroxide containing products. J. Inorg. Biochem.2020, 204, 110871.
Tena, L.; de Miguel, R.; Castells, E.; Escudero, A.; Lacasta, D. Chronic coenurosis in sheep: Spontaneous remission of clinical signs and role of CT and MRI in the diagnosis and follow-up. Vet. Rec. Case Reports2020, 8, e001092.
Rodríguez-Largo, A.; de Miguel, R.; Asín, J.; Chocteau, F.; Gimeno, M.; Pinczowski, P.; de Martino, A.; Luján, L. Epithelial–Mesenchymal Transition in a Case of Metastatic Thyroid Carcinoma in a Brown Bear (Ursus arctos). J. Comp. Pathol.2020, 176, 10–13.
Echeverría, I.; de Miguel, R.; Asín, J.; Rodríguez-Largo, A.; Fernández, A.; Pérez, M.; de Andrés, D.; Luján, L.; Reina, R. Replication of Small Ruminant Lentiviruses in Aluminum Hydroxide-Induced Granulomas in Sheep: a Potential New Factor for Viral Dissemination. J. Virol.2020, 95.