Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH) is a chronic liver disease induced by the accumulation of fat in the liver, histopathologically characterized by fibrosis, lobular inflammation and liver steatosis.
Anapath scientists have long history in development and safety assessment of treatments against “Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease” (NAFLD) and “Non-alcoholic Steatohepatitis” (NASH).
The disease state can be described by the so-called NAS score (NASH/NAFLD activity score) which evaluates steatosis, ballooning and lobular inflammation in a graded manner.
A standardized NAS score has been useful for the evaluation of drug-efficacy studies in animal models to provide a pharmacodynamic readout which is reliable and comparable.
In addition, and based on our experience, AnaPath has developed an extended NAS scoring system to better capture differences in disease development and drug response especially for NASH screening studies.
AnaPath can provide NASH scoring in the simplified read out or the extended AnaPath NASH scoring system, always guided by the pathologist and adjusted to the study request.
Semiquantitative analysis of NAS score can be supported by quantitative image analysis tailored for the respective needs, measuring cellular structures like vacuole parameter (steatosis), collagen (fibrosis) and inflammatory/immune cells after staining to quantify lobular inflammation.